However some providers like Google Voice(GV), do not provide this number@email option.
So with this limitation it took a little searching to find another option.
I found by using the google-voice-java API (api docs) we can send sms messages via TDI directly to a phone number, instead of relying on a phonenumber@email address.
JARs are available at:
At the time of this posting, there were 5 jars (google-voice-java-1.14-java6.jar, dom4j-1.6.1.jar,
jaxen-1.1.3.jar, json.jar, jtidy.jar).
Simply add the jars to the <TDI>\jars\3rdparty\others\GoogleVoice directory
You can then use the following function from your Resource/Script library to to send sms from TDI by the way of Google Voice.
* sendGVsms uses the api made available at
function sendGVsms(dst,txt){
destinationNumber = dst;
txt = txt;
username = system.getTDIProperty("gvuserName")
pass = system.getTDIProperty("gvpass")
var gvoice =,pass);
} catch (e) {
task.logmsg(">>sms error " +e);
NOTE: You will need to add Google's public certificate to the TDI truststore, otherwise you'll receive a 'java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException' when calling the class.
I used the following information to obtain and add the certificate to the TDI truststore.
1. Obtaining the Google certificate
d. Choose a 'Save as type' of DER when exporting the certificate.
2. Adding the certificate into the default TDI truststore.
By default, a TDI 7.x installation uses the serverapi/truststore.jks as its truststore.
This file location may vary depending on if you have a specific Solution Directory, or if the TDI Install directory is the Solution directory. You can refer to the contents of the <TDI_Install>/bin/defaultSolDir.bat to determine the default Solution directory.
The TDI Component as a Client section in the TDI Infocenter discusses the importation of a certificate.
Here's an example of the command to import the google certificate into the testadmin.jks file.
<TDI>/jvm/jre/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -file google.der -keystore testadmin.jks -storepass administrator -alias googleCert