I've ran into problems when attempting to use the CDE, so I wanted to post incase it helps anyone else.
TDI Component Development Environment (CDE) is a tool that enables an effective, efficient and consistent way of creating TDI components. It abstracts and automates functions, tasks and complexities of developing TDI components. TDI CDE can be used by a customer to quickly develop new custom components with minimal effort. This helps build better TDI solutions enabling creation of custom TDI components by the customer for easy use. -- Source url: http://www.ibm.com/software/brandcatalog/ismlibrary/details?catalog.label=1TW10DI0R#tab-pinfo
Discussion on connector development: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aiqj7lhbrg
Known Issues I've seen with CDE:
- Start Eclipse with the 'Run as Administrator' option, else when you use the 'File / Export / IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator / Deployable Connector' function in Eclipse to move the resource to TDI, the export windows will complete..although the resource will not be found in the TDI/jars directory. The Export windows seems to flash to quick to see if any error is given during the export.
- In Eclipse, I found the 'Java' not 'Java EE' perspective should be used. If the 'Java EE' perspective is used, then the error 'The selected resource is not a valid IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator project' is seen when attempting to export the developed resource.
- I could not find it documented in the CDE documentation on which JDK is required.
Unexpected behavior was seen when using a non-IBM JDK. - The 'Finish' button had to be pressed multiple times to confirm completion.
- The Project structure was random and incomplete.
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